When creating social media post it is so difficult to come up with content in fact the number one reason most businesses don't post to their social media is that they can't figure out what to post that will be engaging or entertaining for their target audience.

Tips to Help You Create Content
Create a content calendar this means you will assign each day with a specific topic or category for that day every week. This way you will not have to sit at your desk and wonder what to post that day every week.
When you assign a theme for content for each day you will make it easy for you to come up with specific content for that day.
For Example, if you are in finance let's say then Mondays can be Money Tips. Remember your daily theme has to appeal to your target audience.
Other Things to consider
Have an Image with your post
Keep your post fun, engaging and aligned to your audience
Use hashtags to help your post get to new audiences
Keep in mind when you are posting to make sure the content is in fact engaging and something you would actually read.
Hashtag your posts
Love to #hashtag? Good news!
You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag? People can use your hashtags to search through content on your blog and find the content that matters to them. So go ahead and #hashtag away!
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